Sunday, February 24, 2013

A little bit of love... a little late!

I've been meaning to post pics of all the Valentine's we handed out this year at our many Vday events but I've switched modes right from Valentine's Day to getting ready for Trevor's birthday. Although we are just having a small family thing with a few close friends, I can't have a party without putting a ton of effort and creativity in it. It's not my style! ;)

Inside the bags that the kids handed out to their friends at school includes bubbles, blow pops and Hershey kisses, get it.. "Blowing kisses...". :) I thought all my little ideas came out cute this year! I can't imagine doing these things for a Kindergarten class of  24 kids so I'll enjoy it while the kids are in small class sizes.

1 comment:

  1. I really like the last one.... stealing that for next year!!! thanks (;


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